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Permit Details

You may be eligible for the City of North Bay's waste exemption program if you have a valid reason for special consideration such someone in the household with a medical condition, or children in the household under the age of four in diapers.

You will be contacted at the email address or phone number provided on the form when the application is approved, denied or more information is required. 

Please note If your application is approved due diaper waste, you will receive weekly collection of one clear bag of diapers in addition to the approved two-bag/container limit. Participation in the City’s recycling program is a requirement.

Online Form

Consent for storing submitted data *
Application Form
If applying as a resident with at least one child under the age of 4:
Please provide the number of children in your household who are under the age of 4 and are in diapers as well as their date of birth. Also note that the only information provided to collection crews will be your address, the number of diaper exemption bags permitted and the date when the exemption will expire.
If applying due to a medical condition:
If applying for another reason:
Terms and conditions:
Please Note: the City will not retain any records of your medical condition, or child(ren)’s age (i.e. birth certificate). The proof, if and when requested, will simply be viewed by a City Official in order to verify program compliance.
Personal information on this form is collected under the authority of the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act and will be used for its intended purpose only. Questions about this collection or personal information should be directed to the City Clerk, 200 McIntyre Street East, North Bay ON P1B 8V6, or by telephone at (705) 474-0626 ext. 2510.