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Road Closures for Downtown Walk

North Bay, ON – Nov. 24, 2022 – Please be advised that the following streets will be closed for the Downtown Old Fashioned Christmas Walk on Friday Nov. 25 from noon until midnight:

  • Main Street closed from Cassells Street to Sherbrooke Street;
  • Fraser Street closed between Main Street West and Oak Street West and
  • Ferguson Street closed from Oak Street to Main Street.

Additionally, there will be lane closures on the following streets from 5:30 p.m. until 8:30 p.m.:

  • One lane of Algonquin Avenue closed from Cassells Street to Oak Street West
  • One lane of Oak Street closed from Fraser Street to Wyld Street
  • One lane of Wyld Street closed from Oak Street to McIntyre Street East
Gord Young
Communications Officer (705) 474-0626 x.2505